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After that spoiler notice at one chapter

Yaoist June 22, 2021 4:23 pm

im so disappointed, although im mad at the uploader for being stupid putting that spoiler of the ending at like one of the early chapter, im also glad that i did see it. Saved me time not to read further and just skip to the end to see the disgusting ending. Im so disappointed.

The fl's character development after being reincarnated for what? Just for her to end up with the prince who is a fvcking bastard, ridiculed her, treated her as a piece of shit, and ALSO RUINED HER ENTIRE FVCKING LIFE (lets not forget that).

I'm so mad at the plot bc of the wasted potential.

    Yaoist June 22, 2021 4:25 pm

    Also if anyone is curious, the srupid spoiler is at chapter 21, big brain uploader putting that there WITHOUT NOTICE