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namja June 23, 2021 3:08 am

what's that one yaoi where the seme keeps cheating on the uke and bringing people over to their house, deliberately showing him cheating and so the uke has enough of it and brings back another guy, sleeps with him knowing the seme will be back home soon, and when he gets back the uke moans loudly from the room

The seme pounds on the door demanding him to open it (he's breaking down) but the uke doesn't give a shit they continue to have sex

Anyways yeah it was one where they actually got back at their cheating partner. The art is quite old school and I don't think it was very long, POSSIBLY a one shot but my memory could be failing me (?) I think the seme had white (probably blonde but yknow black and white colors in manga) and the uke had black hair
