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I like how the author showed how the seme was being crushed by the weight of the debt* and...

Popo June 23, 2021 4:53 am

I like how the author showed how the seme was being crushed by the weight of the debt* and how desperate he was to pay it off. But uke was way too nice for him. He was an ass to uke even before the debt (after their first one night stand). And not even a thank you when uke paid off his debt? All uke got was some shitty sex in return. I would gladly peg uke every single day and worship the ground he walked on if he paid off my debt XD

*a bit of a tangent but it should illegal to push debt onto family members who didn't sign up for that shit. ESPECIALLY if they have completely separate lives from the debtee like don't live together, don't share bank accounts, bills etc.

    vicci September 28, 2023 11:07 am