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Hold on ....but they're just kids

Unicorn June 23, 2021 1:53 pm

Hold on

....but they're just kids

    moonbabie June 23, 2021 2:37 pm

    ??? kids cant fall in love?

    daoyi June 23, 2021 2:38 pm

    dude ? elementary school kids are going out with ech other,
    kiss is like as casual as handshakes
    people start fcking at 15
    i mean I don't give a shat but they might feel like this

    Unicorn June 23, 2021 3:01 pm

    And here I'm single in my twenties.(who don't even hold hands with someone).......

    Unicorn June 23, 2021 3:02 pm
    ??? kids cant fall in love? moonbabie

    Pyaar ke liye kiss ka hona zruri toh ni

    Priya June 23, 2021 3:11 pm
    And here I'm single in my twenties.(who don't even hold hands with someone)....... Unicorn

    i agree....

    Unicorn June 23, 2021 3:23 pm
    i agree.... Priya

    Same pinch

    Priya June 23, 2021 5:12 pm


    Unicorn June 23, 2021 6:17 pm


    God June 23, 2021 7:22 pm
    dude ? elementary school kids are going out with ech other, kiss is like as casual as handshakespeople start fcking at 15duh? i mean I don't give a shat but they might feel like this daoyi

    there 14 ( ̄へ ̄)

    kuku June 23, 2021 8:42 pm
    Pyaar ke liye kiss ka hona zruri toh ni Unicorn

    naturally they would want to kiss
    i mean that a given right?
    amd m not taling about french kiss but pecks etc

    daoyi June 24, 2021 2:24 am
    there 14 ( ̄へ ̄) God

    I have seen 13yo date
    And almost in all western movies u can see that its not even a big deal
    In real as well

    Watch 13 going on 30 for instance

    Unicorn June 24, 2021 5:42 am
    naturally they would want to kiss i mean that a given right?amd m not taling about french kiss but pecks etc kuku

    Can't deny that

    Unicorn June 24, 2021 5:43 am
    I have seen 13yo date And almost in all western movies u can see that its not even a big deal Kissing In real as well Watch 13 going on 30 for instance daoyi

    I think my single self doesn't want to believe yet

    God June 24, 2021 4:34 pm
    I have seen 13yo date And almost in all western movies u can see that its not even a big deal Kissing In real as well Watch 13 going on 30 for instance daoyi

    no im not saying "there just 14" im saying like there 14 they can kiss i was 8 when i first madeout with a girl ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Priya June 24, 2021 4:56 pm
    no im not saying "there just 14" im saying like there 14 they can kiss i was 8 when i first madeout with a girl ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ God

    8 seriously whoa......i cant believe this....

    God June 24, 2021 5:09 pm
    8 seriously whoa......i cant believe this.... Priya

    it was in a afterschool club bathroom her name was sophia she was a year older then me it was before i knew what lgbt+ so i said can two girls kiss she said yes and then i said can you show me and then we madeout in a bathroom and we would do this for then next couple months until she started to be a bitch so i broke up with her (after are first makeout seech i asked her to be my girlfriend) and now 4 years later i ama non-binar pansexual with a wonderful girlfriend(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    God June 24, 2021 5:11 pm
    it was in a afterschool club bathroom her name was sophia she was a year older then me it was before i knew what lgbt+ so i said can two girls kiss she said yes and then i said can you show me and then we madeo... God


    daoyi June 24, 2021 5:30 pm
    it was in a afterschool club bathroom her name was sophia she was a year older then me it was before i knew what lgbt+ so i said can two girls kiss she said yes and then i said can you show me and then we madeo... God

    okay senpai help

    LIKE not turn on n stuff but conscious af, now thing is even if i wanna try smthing to fig this out i cant
    cz they might get weirded out, and u know how some girls are so bitchy, they sell u out
    idk how can i know if i am pan or not
    i read yaoi and shoujo and no yuri so idkkksauhanfgvkugvkgnvjnv

    moonbabie June 24, 2021 5:53 pm
    okay senpai helpLIKE I GET REAL CONSCIOUS AROUND GIRLSLIKE not turn on n stuff but conscious af, now thing is even if i wanna try smthing to fig this out i cantcz they might get weirded out, and u know how some... daoyi

    me too i get really conscious around girls too especially if i think theyre pretty or theyre cool HOWVEEEEEEER i dont think im bisexual cuz ive imagined myself in a relationship witg a girl and nope i really dont think i could develop real feelings for a girl tho im def open to the idea!! like if it happens it happens but the thing is….its just never happened and im not gonna force myself to make it happen yknow anyways what im trying to say by talking about myself even tho this is also your struggle (lol bad habit of mine when trying to empathize) is to imagine yourself in a relationship with a girl or look back on times where you felt something for a girl like how you do with guys but try to picture a girl who you see yourself potentially liking and not like a random girl from your class. Also you dont have to force yourself to find a label, hell i dont even know what my sexuality is and im 21 (sad hours) but im fine with it because what happens, happens ykno the world is much more open-minded now so just take your time. Also pansexual people are attracted to the person, not who they identify as so if gender doesnt matter to you when liking a person, there’s your answer! sorry for the essay lawl

    God June 24, 2021 7:03 pm
    okay senpai helpLIKE I GET REAL CONSCIOUS AROUND GIRLSLIKE not turn on n stuff but conscious af, now thing is even if i wanna try smthing to fig this out i cantcz they might get weirded out, and u know how some... daoyi

    okay well gender does not matter to me but i still do have a preference its vigina so like even if it not a girl but they have one the probability of me liking them is higher then that of a person with a penis but i feel like if i met the right person with a penis maybe i could feel a sexual desire to it but so far no, i've dated one guy and i did not want to even kiss him and that was about a year or two ago and yes i have has "crushs" on guys but now i realize that i did not feel any desire to be with them and that i felt like it was mandatory to like a guy. And on the other hand anime men manga men yaoi men there not real and i could never go out with one but do i still simp for them yes...yes i do. and i read yaoi and shojo to but i dont really like yuri idk why i just dont get the appeal of it but do i still have a sexual desire for women yah i do. if you want to find out if your kinda like me watch a show with a sex scean and think about who you are looking at the girl or the boy or think about what your type would be, i even i have a type even though im pan, and i did think oh no im just a lesbian but that just did not fit the way that i saw myself, like i could not only like women (btw non-binary people can be lesbians) cuz there are non-binary people that i used to like and if my girlfriend came out as non-binary i would still like her and i could like a guy that i would have sex with so i was just like im pansexual i like every thing like if you were to like a guy and like want to have sex with him but then there was a non-binary person that you would have sex with and maybe if you met the right girl you would have sex with her and if you think like that your probably pansexual. But if you dont think like that and you do feel coscious around girls you could just want female validation like thats what i ment by crushs like if one of my guy crushs walked in to the room i would think "do i look good does he think im cute does he like me is he looking at me" and what i was thinking was just me trying to get male validation........

    Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)sorry its so long and sorry that its kinda about myself i just get like that when i try to get on the same level as people but...uah... i hope that what i wrote helpedヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~