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side character

Evil CupCake June 23, 2021 3:50 pm

I always the type to have sympathy for side characters. i hated that guy at first. but after seei g his i juries which are same like hoonie breaks my heart. I just cannot hate some who had similar suicidal tendencies like hoonie. you see, they already feel worthless as if nobody liles them. yes i know he is a frictional character. but seeingthe side character being hated who clearly has mental issues lile hoonies. make me feel bad for him too. I hope hoonie doesn't not go back down. and at the same time the side character also improves and leaves his suicidal tendencies too.

    mari June 23, 2021 6:43 pm

    ^^ Same, it seems hypocritical and cruel to root for Hooni then insult Heemin. He’s trying to cope by making “friends” who are just as miserable, it’s not that uncommon..

    Chantokki June 24, 2021 11:02 am

    nah cuz if I was heemin(who is probably already suicidal) and saw these comments I might just kms. unless he is doing it for "edgy reason" the kid is probably using humor to cope. I think ppl forget hooni and him are probably like 16 or 17(heemin could be younger)