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Teeth June 23, 2021 6:00 pm

Hi, I need help remembering the title of this manga.

Basically in highschool Guy1, Guy2, and main FL were all friends. Guy1 is like one of the straight-laced likeable guys in class, Guy2 is one of those chill-musician types who hangs out w/a lot of girls.

Guy1 and the main girl both like each other but haven't confessed. Guy2 likes the girl as well and he's aware that Guy1 likes the girl too.

Due to some circumstances, the girl ends up giving her confession letter to Guy2 so he can hand it over to Guy1. Said letter instructs Guy1 to meet her somewhere so she can confess in person.

Guy2 however lies about giving the letter and lets the girl wait for a while at the meeting spot, then calls to tell her that Guy1 bailed and would like to pass on the message that he doesn't feel the same way about her.

The girl cries and Guy2 comforts her, and eventually they end up dating.

Fast forward a couple of years (?), and eaten up by insecurities and guilt, Guy2 keeps pulling bs like blatantly showing the girl that he's flirting around with other people. The girl doesn't react bc she's gotten used to him playing around- which upsets Guy2 more as he takes it as confirmation that the girl still likes Guy1 and doesn't care if he goes out w/other girls.

At some point Guy1 meets Guy2 again (after it's shown that during HS Guy1 admitted to Guy2 that he likes the girl as well, but he wants to support them dating if that's what will make the girl happy). So Guy1 confronts Guy2 bc he saw him acting like a crappy boyfriend & says something like "even though i let you be, even though i like her too" & the girl overhears this.

Which horrifies guy2 bc his secret is out. But he gives up and hands over the girl's letter to Guy1 that he's kept all these years, and he leaves, assuming Guy1 and the girl will rekindle their HS romance.


that's as far as i remember :')

Help please?

    salt June 23, 2021 6:05 pm

    woah. first of all guy2 is a complete bitch
    and second. u have damn good memory my dude good luck finding it

    MnM June 23, 2021 6:16 pm

    I will follow this because i also wanna read it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ