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Fucking oldies

Nakisa June 23, 2021 6:24 pm

Besties I'm here again after a while, I finished the novel a while ago but rn I'm reading it again (with a more mature point of view) and DAMN

Spoiler below :

I just HATE the ML's parents-
Like,, bitch ??
Just because your son is asexual & isn't interested in relationship doesn't give you the right to DRUG him & get him raped just to get an heir.

It was never mentioned in the novel but it was clearly that, just because he's a man & was in the "lead" during the intercourse doesn't mean that he wasn't getting advantage of.

If the woman wasn't Ning Xi but some random bitch desperate to bear his child, that would be a more 100% rape.
Like he said at the end "they were both unconscious & didn't remember anything", if that doesn't mean what it meant-

It's kind of why I hate Chinese story on that point, most ML in the manhua I've read sometime were subject from far worst abuse than the FL but it was as if they just didn't mind it.


Then theses old hags are like, "but how can he be gay if he got a child ", BITCHES Y'LL DRUGGED HIM
ofc he'll ejacule on something bitch wtf do it have to be with him being gay--

And they aren't even ashamed of it-
Snatching his son from him & acting all high & mighty but bcuz they're elders, I hate it so much.

Ning Xi (the FL) cut all contact & relationship with her parents at the end of the novel, I don't understand why TingXiao couldn't do the same.
Theses oldies were so ungrateful & abusive, but they were just forgiven bcuz "it was a misunderstanding.. :("

It's not like they tried to force their oldest son to marry when that one is already successful alone.
Then constantly abusing their 2nd son.

Hating on Ning Xi & treating her worst than trash, to then begging for forgiveness when she was on her death bed.
Like, they'd never try to understand her if she wasn't ready to die for Little Treasure ?
What kind of logic is that ?

From my point of view they are not different from Ning Xi's biological parent.
Abusing their own & believing outsider, they're already one foot on the grave but they still they to control their 32YO SON LIFE'S.


Ywah so I wanted to rant on this bcuz the more I read the more I hate them & because I already know how it'll end I hate it even more.
