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! Please Help! My Dog got stung by a Wasp!

CrystalAris August 6, 2016 12:55 am

We are applying apple cider vinegar and have a cold pack to reduce the swelling, also gave her a pain killer.

is there anything else we can do?

    Aeris August 6, 2016 12:59 am

    If a small dog, give them one benadryl, if medium 2 and if large 3.

    CrystalAris August 6, 2016 1:07 am
    If a small dog, give them one benadryl, if medium 2 and if large 3. Aeris

    I'd say cat sized, but the medicine was left over from when she had her tooth pulled, thanks though ^^

    Fetish Love August 6, 2016 1:12 am

    You need a vet to get professional opinion and prescribe medication, especially if your dog might be allergic