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just cuz you can read something and understand it doesnt necessarily mean the translation ...

Anonymous June 23, 2021 11:30 pm

just cuz you can read something and understand it doesnt necessarily mean the translation is good. "this is a pen" and "i am a cat" both are grammatically correct sentences but one doesn't equal the other. as the translator said, they're not a professional and they're willing to provide raws for people who have better fluency which is really nice of them, but unless you can read the language they get the raws from, you can't really judge whether the translations are good. while so far this manhwa hasn't had anything awful, mistranslations of minor things the characters say could mislead the readers into thinking a character is doing something morally wrong such as forcing a character to do something without consent, or being rude when they really weren't. for example, "shut tf up" and "be quiet" have very different nuances, but both could make sense in the same situation. readers that can't read the raws to see whether the character really said that and will assume it's true because it's a situation where that would make sense. this could lead to a lot of unnecessary hate (obviously not the shut up example, but with other more concerning topics) and at the worst, people can and have sent rude things to the author.

however to the person who said they are bad, did you explain why and maybe help the translator? if you just say its bad and leave, your comment is just as worthless as the people acting as if it's perfect. critisizm is ok when backed up with reasons why and how to make it better.

there's nothing wrong with motivating the translater to keep up their work and to encourage them to continue polishing their skills, but you need to acknowledge (as they did themselves) that it's not perfect. it's fine to say you'd be happy with their job, even if it isn't perfect but do not say it's perfect when it's not. giving the translator the false impression that their level of understanding is at its best can hinder their motivation to continue learning; they don't need to learn the language better, it's only optional and that is wrong. while this translator in particular seems like they know where they stand in terms of understanding chinese, not all uploaders do; so this is a bad habit for readers to have. you do more damage than help the situation

it's definitely better than ones where you can obviously tell they dumped it into google translate and called it a day, but learning a language is a never ending process. it's ok to be still learning but unless you know the language they're translating from well yourself, it's not for you to tell them their language ability is good.
