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To be honest. I can understand why he is upset. He has no idea his wife is being poisoned....

Roxannabell June 24, 2021 1:24 am

To be honest. I can understand why he is upset. He has no idea his wife is being poisoned. All he knows is that it is impossible for him to be the father. At a week moment when he just needs his wife to be there for him she, as far as he can logic, openly admits to an affair and is having another man's child. And why should he believe her if she claims it's only his? It CAN'T be his.

    sanssss June 24, 2021 1:45 am

    Honestly i cant sympathise with him at all...
    He shouldve told her and he shouldve done a check on the doctor knowing what happened in the he stupid or does he just not care

    Roxannabell June 24, 2021 5:27 am

    I think he doesn't know how to care properly. When they first got married he showed his affection the only way he knows how, by sending her lots of gifts. As far as he knows, she "returned" them. She didn't care for his affection. Bitter feelings began to grow. He worked hard so they she could have money and live a life she was accustomed too, but she only got upset at him. As far as he knows they have a new, good doctor. Why would he think that the loving people who took him in and call him son would be THAT terrible of people. Silver tongues work well on a soft heart. But they encourage that the way to show affection is through money.
    I agree he's been horrible and I'm upset with him. I also see where, once you understand, he's not quite the villain he's made out to be. He is trying, he's starting to understand her and change. But secrets are hard to share with someone you don't know well. He doesn't want to loose her and she's already trying to divorce him. It's scary to think what she might do when told they can't have kids.