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please help yaoi manga

pandajoshi August 6, 2016 6:08 pm

i already asked this before but unfortunately i'm not find the answer (╥﹏╥) please help >_<

this manga about two musician, they have blood related. cousin or step brothers. one is playing piano, the others playing violin. they loved each other, but because some misunderstood, they decided to separated. the seme said he will wait for uke, but he can't come so he thinks the uke throw him away. he left some letter with sakura petal.

Later, the seme study in German/England/Wina (i forgot) & he will have relationship with his manager (named Luis, cmiiw). about 2-3 years he back to Japan & meet again with uke.

i remember the manga title like some tempo score. Adagio/Allegretto/Andante and it's not yet completed. the 2nd volume is a novel, the tittle seems like Tranquillo/Tranquility. Really wish i found it this time. please help (/TДT)/
