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Gads... What part of being broken up do people not understand? He didn't sleep with anothe...

SayerSong June 24, 2021 4:19 am

Gads... What part of being broken up do people not understand? He didn't sleep with another woman until AFTER they had broken up officially. Yes, his comment about not being able to resist his urges was definitely crass, to say the least, but he did NOT cheat. You have to still be in a couple with someone for it to count as cheating, and SHE had broken up with HIM. Yes, he rebounded a week later. It happens. They may have been young adults, but they were still adults.

Hell, I was 19 when it happened to me. I broke up with a guy and he slept with a friend of mine 3 days later, and my friend and I handle it a HELL of a lot more maturely. I don't include him, because he wanted to get back together with me and insisted that the reason I kept saying no was because they had slept together, instead of listening to me try to explain to him that it was because he was still refusing to fix the problems that led to the initial break-up, and then decided to try to manipulate me into taking him back by telling people to tell me he was suicidal. The point is, I didn't care that they slept together. They were both over adults (the same age as me), and I was the one who broke up with him. I had no right to complain. Neither did the FL in this.

Yes, I can see her being HURT by it, and that she would change her mind about working things out with him (since it would come off as him not loving her anymore instead of the rebound from his own broken heart that it most likely was), but calling it a betrayal is incorrect and to call it cheating is flat out WRONG. He was in the right on that.
