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what's with all the orihime hate? "if ichigo doesn't end up with rukia then have him end u...

krullie August 7, 2016 3:48 am

what's with all the orihime hate? "if ichigo doesn't end up with rukia then have him end up with a random person", seriously? it's more than likely that ichihime will be canon anyways since the pilot had hinted at them so it wouldn't be a surprise to those who actually read the manga without their shipper goggles on. if rukia were to end up with someone it'd be renji.

    tokidoki August 13, 2016 4:22 am
    'breast fetish'??? any female might as well do him??:P...anyway im a university student with major in economics...thats not how you upgrade your calculation.u cant add your 7 friends and make it from 80% t... fay96

    Sorry - missed a word "big" breast fetish - he likes them large - and I said that of the eight of us that read Bleach, 7 of us are either neutral or don't like her -TRY TO ACTUALLY READ what I wrote! And 7/8 is actually 87.5 percent - calculate it before you start ranting. (or if you can't do the math - here is a calculator I also did not say that this applies to all Bleach fans, or that they participate in forums. The numbers I mentioned are personal friends. And I said to add the number to your stats, not that these numbers were the norm. I do not go on any forums except this one. Personally I could care less if they end up together as well, though that is rather contra to what Kubo implied earlier in the manga when Ichigo was told that if his powers become too great he would have to stay in the Soul Society, and Orihime - who is not part Shinigami - would not be able to. Then again, Kubo bends his own rules all the time.

    tokidoki August 13, 2016 4:29 am
    Heat? Lmfao, I dug no grave. I commented because I can. She wanted a reason? I supplied her with one. She didn't like what I supplied? Too bad. And when I said everyone, i was speaking for the people who alread... sammysaidwhat

    I agree with you, and fay96 is kind of freaking over any slights to her favourite ship. I don't much care for any ships in this manga - that is not why I watched the anime/read the manga ... love the forum links - many comments express my feelings toward her, thanks.

    Anonymous August 13, 2016 4:32 am

    Look, both of you shipper fans are getting ridiculous like 1D fans fighting with T-ara fans.

    This is Tite Kubo's story and he doesn't care what readers want with who Ichigo be with. This is his choice and his work, not yours. Have some respect and don't go overboard.

    Hanne August 15, 2016 10:54 am
    'breast fetish'??? any female might as well do him??:P...anyway im a university student with major in economics...thats not how you upgrade your calculation.u cant add your 7 friends and make it from 80% t... fay96

    If you are in University and majoring in economics, then you should be able to calculate that 7/8 is 87.5%, so your claim is doubtful. And as tokidoki said, s/he is not speaking for all fans, just ones that s/he knows. So chill.
    Personally I don't like Orihime all that much - I don't think that she is as strong a character as others in this manga, but I don't really care who ends up with whom, I just want all the loose ends tied together.