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idk who i want the MC to end up with… probably alone maybe? he needs time for himself to...

ratt June 24, 2021 7:22 am

idk who i want the MC to end up with… probably alone maybe? he needs time for himself to resolve his own issues without a bf draggin him down :((

but… i still hurt for taejoo so much omg imagine the manhwa being from his perspective, him telling the MC to not go to war, his partner going missing FOR FIVE YEARS, then him thinking HE RAPED HIS FRIEND???? then after finally being in a stable relationship his ex comes back ?? he breaks up with the ex to move on and to not damage his current relationship but then his bf gets kinda crazy, and his ex moves on?? and he’s still like grieving his ex and loving him and being manipulated by his current bf IDK TAEJOO IM SORRY I WISH U HAPPINESS

    Sannanana June 24, 2021 7:54 am

    Sammeeee, I mean I see a lot of people saying that taejoo deserves it nd all nd I'm like just try to see the whole situation from his pov. I truly want him to be happy, he has suffered enough.