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People bashing this for one of the stupidest reason!! Yes..i also don't like romance in th...

Yato June 24, 2021 12:19 pm

People bashing this for one of the stupidest reason!!
Yes..i also don't like romance in this one..but the romance is barley 0.5% of the total story till chapter 78 I've read. And hara isn't weak to save her every now and then.. she doesn't even appear as much as other characters. So it's bearable. And those saying it's literally LoL!!! What is even there to be confused about???It's a fairly simple story with good action and OP , badass MC. But if you're seriously confused just ask in the comments to clarify instead of bashing it for not be your cup of tea just because you couldn't get the story. And if your dropping it for these silly reasons just drop it. No one cares. There's no need to leave comments like I'm dropping cause it's confusing or like he was proposed to marry a 10 yo kid which was just for comedy..nothing serious.. and mc himself said countless times he sees her like his little dates his classmate of his same age and no intention of seeing other girls. Read it before reaching baseless claims!! Leaving these type of baseless comments are gonna make other people who come to read misunderstanding the story before even reading it. Which of course i don't want for a story i like. Sp don't like just drop it. Don't bash it even without reading the whole thing. Amd if it's seriously confusing to seriously need to read more manga/manhwa/manhua.. this is seriously normal for people who have read a decent amount of manga till day. And if you think you've read enough & still don't get it..then you're decent amount isn't nearly enough.
