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I usually like this mangaka...

Kanna August 7, 2016 10:36 pm

I usually adore the art and story from this mangaka...but the last volume of the werecat series and this manga...kind of just rubbed me the wrong way :/ I feel like there was a lot of unfinished things they needed to discuss seriously, and that there were some issues with their relationship....

    C Me August 7, 2016 10:48 pm

    I feel you, don't know if they are being rushed or what that these stories are not developed fully.

    Kanna August 7, 2016 11:34 pm
    I feel you, don't know if they are being rushed or what that these stories are not developed fully. C Me

    Which is to their detriment, unfortunately...they've proved that they obviously have the talent to create great works...but lately, they've been kind of lacking...or like, drama for dramas sake without the proper conclusions. I realize it's hard to write sometimes, so I'm not gonna tear them apart like some of the other comments...but I am disappointed. :/