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Imagine though

intodenile August 7, 2016 11:43 pm

Imagine Armin's guilt. His life was spared and he was saved instead of Erwin. Armin looked up to Erwin, he admired and aspired to be like Erwin so imagine how he'd react finding that he lived instead of his role model, the irreplaceable Commander Erwin Smith. And then also finding out that he ate Bertholdt and that they left Bertholdt to die at Armin's hands. And knowing that they get some of their memories of the person they ate, will we ever get to see a little bit about Bertholdt before Shiganshina.
Next couple of chapters gonna be lit as heck.

    intodenile August 13, 2016 5:32 am
    If only Erwin were alive, I'd have kept reading it no matter how it turned out(Excluding Levi's death of course!!!) ╥﹏╥ But now I kinda want Levi to die too.After Erwin's death, its like he's lost the w... @Anonymous

    I believe that Levi will be fine. He's survived so many people close to him dying so I believe he will pedal on.
    There are no more seasons for Hannibal. By weird I meant that the shippers began to take the characters that the two actors had acted as in their other movies and pairing them together. It felt more and more that they were shipping the actors instead of their characters. They no longer differentiated from what was real life, their headcanons, and canon so that prompted me to separate the two.