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hwa June 24, 2021 3:20 pm

So I saw this WEBTOON somewhere on social media but I forgot to save it. PLEASE HELP ME FIND IT.
I'll tell you what I remember. There wasn't much
So basically its a coloured WEBTOON and the seme is the stalker/obsessive type. The part of the WEBTOON I saw was the seme dropping of the uke to his part time job and then leaving and the uke is like saying "what should we eat for dinner" whiel at his part time job and the seme actually has cameras and microphones in the cafe or whereeve he works and suddenly a guy comes into the shop and h talks to the uke and the seme gets all worked up and jumps into his cars and drives to the cafe and that's where it ends

    Alina June 24, 2021 3:25 pm

    Is that haven

    hwa June 24, 2021 3:46 pm
    Is that haven Alina

    Yeahhhh that's the one I suddenly clicked when I read the name thank youuuu

    Alina June 24, 2021 3:48 pm

    Wl cm