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I didn't like how Goutaro dismissed Akihito's feeling so easily even going as far as calli...

aerslevdi June 24, 2021 4:26 pm

I didn't like how Goutaro dismissed Akihito's feeling so easily even going as far as calling him a spoilt brat. Akihito was feeling insecure, mind you not without reason, and this guy on top of dismissing him he witholds relevant information as the fact that he was going to a marriage interview. It's true that in the end he went to refuse it, but there were people around him who knew he was proposed this interview by this boss (making the situation different) and this people also didn't know of his intention on refusing. All of this, added to the fact that the people that knew also know Akihito so it's not like it was meant to stay hidden, make him look like an asshole.

    Emerald15 June 29, 2021 1:45 am

    Ikr?? And he's the one that kiss him and then act all distant, like he doesn't like Akihito anymore. I think he's the one that's acting like a brat there. At least Akihito know and express what he wants, but Goutaro make it seem like Akihito is impulsive just because he is younger than him ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌