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want spoilers?

ratt June 24, 2021 7:39 pm

so joyoon tells his family he’s going back to a war zone to work as a reporter/photographer

the boss finally ends up everything with his ex wife and tells her she can tell everyone that they are divorced and that he won’t hide that he divorced her anymore, and remembers joyoon and feels sad that they had to break up because he actually had true feelings for him (kinda of like it’s sad that i realize how much I like you after breaking up)

and taejoon knows the truth finally!!! he goes to his bf (or ex bf…) house to return his key and hears the bartender and his bf arguing, the bf ends up admitting taejoon never raped him, taejoon says he forgives him but that he never wants to see him ever again.

That’s basically how each character is doing on the last chapter…
