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Man this is the most amazing manga I have ever read. I was never into horror and Shonen, t...

MS August 9, 2016 11:41 am

Man this is the most amazing manga I have ever read. I was never into horror and Shonen, the only Shonen I love is One Piece but this one is noteworthy. This has everything; amazing plot, amazing characters that are so realistic and relatable and it's also philosophical. I applaud such writers, beautiful. I vow to never regret reading manga for hours and hours if it lets me stumble into reading a masterpiece. My fave characters are Ushi and Akashi, they're soulmates Goddamnit! They should be like till death do us part, I'd love to see this end with them, it'll still be Shonen and it'll be bigger than Legend of Korra. I have so decided to become an open minded writer now. Heteronormativity for the win - my foot! "We all are Homo" - Yes We all are Homo sapiens so yes today I have seen true equality - True Love has no gender! I'm so going to live my life to the fullest now!
