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Eww her sister is gross. You know your sister is In love with him and your selfish ass is ...

simplylee June 25, 2021 8:02 am

Eww her sister is gross. You know your sister is In love with him and your selfish ass is gonna try and take him now that the other guy left your ass?! I just know our ml is not gonna be fooled or at least he better not, the other one just oozes whore vibes or like mistress/ skank

    ash June 25, 2021 10:51 am

    miss girl calm down maybe the twin is just playing a little prank or test on him or something

    simplylee June 25, 2021 2:52 pm
    miss girl calm down maybe the twin is just playing a little prank or test on him or something ash

    I am very calm, either way tho she’s not a good person for running off with her boyfriend and letting her sister take the fall for her

    simplylee June 25, 2021 2:53 pm
    I am very calm, either way tho she’s not a good person for running off with her boyfriend and letting her sister take the fall for her simplylee

    As the sister said before she has a history of running off and leaving her dry so she’s still a grimey person