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I haven't read this in a long while and I don't plan to because I think the story's gone t...

Kaykay June 25, 2021 11:07 am

I haven't read this in a long while and I don't plan to because I think the story's gone to shit, but I just want to know... Did Hanulim and Yosua officially get together? Also, judging by the comments... You're telling me Shan and Hari haven't done the deed yet? After all this time? Jeez. ALSO! Just took a quick peek at the most recent chapter... Who are those two new cuties with the blonde hair and black hair? So many goddamn characters.

    Needy June 25, 2021 2:32 pm

    Uhmm yes Yoshua and Hanulim have officially gotten together :)

    8red July 1, 2021 1:49 am

    yes i think they did