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.dr June 25, 2021 4:33 pm

So this is where that snippet of a heartbreak came from. Damn tiktok getting me all sappy and broken from a scene taken out of context.

Also, WOW. As naive as she is, she has values clearly stated. She's not the gullible or easily fooled type, just the someone who doesnt judge a person by impression. She feels offended. She feels anger. She knows where her heart lies even if it takes just a little longer for her to realize romantic feelings.

The latter bit felt rushed, especially the climax. The bomb just drops and everything is ambiguously unraveled. Especially with who the villains are. Especially a certain character who dared to even speak of sacrifing someone important to the character they claim to have loved.

Also, another WOW is how stupid the general human public is in that world. Like, I get it. It's a riot and somewhat a revolt... but... well. I suppose the actual important humans are well-written.

Side note: Cat people probably has eight lives to give but only one life to live, huh. Could they probably even sacrifice their last life? Plus... the bonus chaps are so wholesome, hehe. Gives a warmer feeling to that implied ending.
