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Do u guys have an idea where to read the novel version? I first watched the anime and I ha...

Light novel June 25, 2021 5:00 pm

Do u guys have an idea where to read the novel version?
I first watched the anime and I hated how it ended in a cliffhanger. Like bruh at least show us if shin and the squad really died.



Spoilers ahead from the wiki lol

So I got impatient and searched that the manga and the novel is still on going and apparently Shin and the squad are still alive and is dating our major Lena Daiya became my fave but he died daaaaamn and Anzu has Shinobu's VA and I couldnt take his death I WANNA KNOW MORE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT AFTER THE ANIME. NOTHING WAS SOLVED THERE. Good thing is the novrl and manga are still on going and the anime has a part 2 apparently
