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honestly .... it was too much lol like ml is a major red flag i really hate how he got awa...

spill the tae ;) June 26, 2021 1:55 am

honestly .... it was too much lol like ml is a major red flag i really hate how he got away with playing with the fml feelings by envoking misunderstandings, plus he never refuses the advances he gets from other females... idc if theyre highschoolers but holding hands with them? putting lipgloss on them? hugging and hangin out with them everyday but oh god forbid fml have a male friend shes close too becuz apparantly only the male lead is allowed to feel jealousy lmao also the fact he constantly hurts the fml for 'her own good' but then goes back to her but then leaves her again and then goes back leaving her as a insecure mess. yeah no thanks
