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That one guy told him

YourSeungHoe June 26, 2021 5:51 am

To not enter the palace. Harang knows the emperor is a tyrant. He wants to change him through music? He was a demon does he think he is some kind of God to change his ways when he knows that king has killed sooo many people. That one guy told him to go back to the hyangeokwon or something but is greedy and cannot wait for 5 years and wants to make his name inside the palace. He literally didn't take the emperor's madness seriously when there is evidence laying in front. (It is not the musicians fault but seeing how scared his teacher and the other guy he should have take precautions and never tried dipping his foot in the palace) And this is not the girls fault at all. She doesn't have any power and she knows the emperor doesn't care about her romantically as if she would've known the musician would lost his eyes . When in fact she was happy at first thinking she was granted to hear the music she oh so want but then devastated when she found out he was blinded by the emperor. She's not a fucking shaman to know what he thinks. He shows his obsession for her to other people. While hatred in front of her. She wouldn't know he will do that. The emperor is the one in power and is paranoid of everything. He would never allow someone to control him. He is too wary for that. I think blinding harang is a conspiracy to kill his teacher. He is his target after all.
