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... Does anyone else ...

CrystalAris August 14, 2016 12:00 am

Get sick of 'Big Fish' stories?

I'm talking stories were MC is unbeatable and is bad ass cool and has never ( either in their life or after getting their butt kick so became bad ass) seen 'defeat' and will always win. ... .... the first few battles ... and I'm talking battle one an' two, rarely three and its super easy.

...And Then! The "Bigger Fish" comes out to kick MC's ass or... beat them into next week. And for that one battle they start to struggle or for some reason they now seem weak and I find it to be... frustrating and annoying.

Some fight stories are good (like Oresama Teacher, MC is still strong, but can get beat from different techniques or she's jut being stupid, the person stronger in all aspects was her mentor, the people who beat her was Bachou w/ one punch, but he had strength and caught her off guard, and cleaning boy... since he's .... special ^^) I find it easier to accept if they have a ...reasonable weakness and aren't just 'plain' weak in comparison to rival/ enemy.

but I guess stories and fighting are hard to balance...><

    Bunny laws August 14, 2016 3:54 am

    Well that depens, I guess? I'd say it comes and goes with my mood. Some days I absolutely hate the big fish thing and other days it's pretty much the reason I get out of bed at all.

    Bunny laws August 14, 2016 3:56 am
    Well that depens, I guess? I'd say it comes and goes with my mood. Some days I absolutely hate the big fish thing and other days it's pretty much the reason I get out of bed at all. Bunny laws

    Depends* (third time I'm correcting myself today, jesus. I'm not good with phones and writing)

    CrystalAris August 14, 2016 10:56 pm
    Depends* (third time I'm correcting myself today, jesus. I'm not good with phones and writing) Bunny laws

    ^^ Evil, evil spell check.

    But I can see what u mean when your mood changes... maybe I've just been reading too many 'awesome MC just to see them get beat' stories... ^^' Thanks 4 your opinion.
