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i'm gonna use this introduction when i meet someone new

c h i c k s June 27, 2021 1:52 pm

Hello everyone
My hobby is to read romance story that will make me feel single AF but despite all of that i'm craving to read more and more till i feel so lonely like i'm the only person who live in this planet but oh well any manhwa recomendation that will make feel more single than this?

Responses July 1, 2021 3:14 pm

    Let’s go to work tomorrow is pretty realistic and cutesy and Secret relationships by the same author theyre so cute i just wanna cry i’m so single

    agathe July 22, 2021 11:10 pm

    If you don’t mind BL « star x fanboy » is slow but super sweet, and « here u are » and other titles by the same artist are very wholesome
    I loved « real clothes » but romance is not the,main subject for a long time, it’s a lot about personal growth and life choices
    « The president secretary » is pretty fun too
    That’s it from the top of my at without further searches to get the titles right ˆ ˆ ;;