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is it scan beans that’s directly uploading here?? i like shoira a lot so it’d be even ...

mayasato June 27, 2021 4:28 pm

is it scan beans that’s directly uploading here?? i like shoira a lot so it’d be even worse if they’re being hijacked by somebody who’s wrongly distributing other groups’ scans Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    mushvrooooom June 27, 2021 4:34 pm

    nahh, it's actually a troll who's uploading this. They've stolen scan bean's translations and are uploading here to create chaos and get attention. You can report the chapters by clicking on the small flag on the left.
    Select 'There are duplicate chapters' and specify that the chapters uploaded by notyou_ need to be removed.
    If we report them theb this annoying person will stop uploading!

    Gotapyon June 27, 2021 4:38 pm
    nahh, it's actually a troll who's uploading this. They've stolen scan bean's translations and are uploading here to create chaos and get attention. You can report the chapters by clicking on the small flag on t... mushvrooooom

    I think you should post this as a separate comment so people can easily see this.