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Nice-plot... I was dreading the 2 lovers would die, good thing they did not as d 2 heads w...

SweetGeet January 5, 2013 5:42 am

Nice-plot... I was dreading the 2 lovers would die, good thing they did not as d 2 heads were talkin about the search party 4 'em or am I wrong??? ...

    dot April 28, 2013 4:33 pm


    yaoi lover June 1, 2013 7:02 pm

    I think they could be dead. "Search" can also mean searching for bodies as a way to confirm dead. So the end, we can think they recovered and lived happily under the sun, washing their hands of gang world. Or dead. Or the worst case, try to survive by bad means (selling themselves, thief, murder, etc) since they dont have family or any skill for normal jobs and the place is still chaotic. I just hope they'll live happily or die together. The third one is realistic but cruel. The end is really not enough, too open-ended.

    Charlotte June 8, 2013 7:38 am

    @yaoi lover: What do you mean by search for their "BODIES"? Their bodies were right there in front of many after they were both shot. There were too many people there to missed getting to the bodies and confirm their deaths. Plus i doubt the people who know them who were there at the scene would leave them there to die instead of checking to see if they're still alive and head for treatment. I am no optimistic but in this case i think when he meant "search" he meant "search". Exactly as it is. So logically if you were to think about it, they did not die. But they will die eventually of old ages or any other reasons.
    As for now they are probably living somehow in somewhere who knows.