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Mess, this is a steaming pile of rubbish

Titania June 28, 2021 3:11 am

Should’ve known this would be a hot mess from the moment the chubby girl became “fuckable” aka skinny.
*If you’re fat you’re ugly
*We can have strong women! But only if they’re hot and never ever stronger than any of the main dudes
*All your past sins are forgiven if you have a tragic past (only applicable if you’re attractive and rich)
*Pedophilia is ok (???) (but don’t worry cuz it’s a hot woman with huge mommy milkers doing it)
*The (god damned fucking) emperor was a former slave, who never really bothered to abolish slavery
*We salute you, Freud, cuz you’re alive and thriving in this series (he must be cackling in his tomb)
*Everybody knows that the headmistress is trying to start shit but nobody STOPS HER?

    Booty Hunter 4000 July 11, 2021 8:09 pm

    LITERALLY WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING. That’s why I dropped it when MC started turning into a fool