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Louis was probably drugged that night four months ago... with the same drug that the assas...

ruruexodus June 28, 2021 5:28 am

Louis was probably drugged that night four months ago... with the same drug that the assasin uses, and the Duke give it to him, so the Duke is the murderer because he has an obsession with him and the victims has the same features, so he killed them to keep up with the frustation of no having Louis to himself...

Also, the prince is a piece of shit, just because someone is okay to sleep with you doen't mean that they are sluts, because if it was like that, you are a slut too for having a woman and taking her to a motel, so shut the fuck up. I'm so pissed.

    ruruexodus June 28, 2021 5:29 am

    I'm disgusted because they probably ended up together, idk, I'm so scared of this relationship, and so tired.