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Shit... I really hate the female mc... She's dumb and stupid and fool at the same time �...

Minami Aoi August 17, 2016 1:15 pm

Shit... I really hate the female mc... She's dumb and stupid and fool at the same time ヽ(`Д´)ノ The storyline is fucking ridiculous and I don't even understand how people could like this story even though I respect sensei's effort in making it. Either it is shoujo or not, personally a character who completely useless and weak is not a good example at all. Yuzuru doesn't even have any development from the beginning until the end. Even Kayaka, the fiancee, is better from overall aspect.
*I think they should really put weak character tag though*
Yuzuru is a bitch... (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 *Fuh, finally I let it out*
