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Stop taking the scanlation away from the OG scanlation group

FearlessBaka June 28, 2021 11:22 am

@notyou_ can you please stop releasing over @ss.fujoshi? They're still actively working on it and are spending their time on this release..

(edited to take out scan beans as it's not them doing this)

    Gotapyon June 28, 2021 10:31 am

    It is not scan beans/bean scans who is uploading their work here. They post their translations on their discord site. notyou_ is the one stealing their translations and posting them here without their consent, on top of uploading over ss.fujoshi's own, separate translations. You can report this notyou_ as a troll and have their duplicate chapters removed, or possibly, permanently ban this account.

    FearlessBaka June 28, 2021 11:22 am
    It is not scan beans/bean scans who is uploading their work here. They post their translations on their discord site. notyou_ is the one stealing their translations and posting them here without their consent, ... Gotapyon

    Thanks for the additional info!