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😅 Im confused! I often dont read anything in the upload other than the actual manga and...

Moni June 28, 2021 4:21 pm

Im confused! I often dont read anything in the upload other than the actual manga and now there seems to have been a lot of drama happening

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 28, 2021 4:32 pm

    Short explaination:

    Random user notyou_ started uploading over Ss.Fujoshi (Shoira), with stolen Scans from another group who doesn't upload here and didn't like their Scans here.

    Them they keept deleting the messages on their homepage and even repōrtēd the Topics asking them to stōp upløading or to takę dōwπ the chapters they uploaded, so these Topics also ended getting remōvęd.

    This entire situation caused both Teams to end up having troubles between themselves and the readers, due misunderstandings, fights, receiving unnecessary hate and etc.

    Now, Shoira decided to stop uploading on Mgg.

    No one knows or understand the reason why that random user did that.