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Dodgeball Rules

Pakupaku August 18, 2016 2:40 pm

I used to play it this way when I was younger. So instead of sitting out when you get hit, they stand around the circumference of the other team's court. So if someone from their team passes to them they can also hit the other team. It keeps the players on their toes since they can be hit not only from the front but also from all sides

    Shameless August 18, 2016 7:24 pm

    Ah, I guess when you play ball games at an early age, the rules are house rules. An actual dodgeball league would have more concrete set of rules. We played differently so that move would've been illegal. A player is out unless their team catches the enemy's throw. Then the enemy is either out, OR you call a member back in. But if the team member catches the ball and drops it, then they themselves are out. So when Gorilla caught Tomo's ball i was like "wth she's out so quick".
    If you're hit you're out / if you drop the ball, youre out / if you catch the ball, they're out

    Seems more fun the way you used to play and the way it is in the manga. Definitely keeps it more interesting.

    Someone August 18, 2016 9:49 pm

    Me too, and if you're out and can hit someone out from the other team you get back in the game