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Read some spoilers and cant say im satusfied with it...tbh i wanted lucas to get his own m...

Yunomi June 28, 2021 7:55 pm

Read some spoilers and cant say im satusfied with it...tbh i wanted lucas to get his own medicine...fall for laura and then be forgotten by her but considering the spoilers it aint happening....cant say i like him after everything the og him did to laura...yes u cant force urself to fall for someone but the least u can do is properly reject them so the person can move on...even more so if dat person was your precious childhood frnd....but from the spoilers it seems none of dat will happen and he will probably get his pre destined happy ending...i mean im happy if laura is happy this time too but seeing developements like these really frustrates me...or atleast i hoped he'd get a dream or something where he sees what he did in a different timeline to laura and realizes his wrongdoings but again...doesnt seem like we will get dat either...also man i really dont like how laura is still keeping him at arms reach like girl dont forget what happened to u last time...i mean i get he hasnt done anything like dat yet and dat i hate how fukn clingy he is but use ur brain to create more distance, get more powerful and if possible take all the glory from him lol... As for arnold, definately a better choice than luka if there are no mls available, even tho we know hes giving her special attention cuz he wants to borrow her ability....all in all i guess imma drop this seeing the how the plot is gonna go in the future chapters

    Just Some Bunny Eating Flowers June 29, 2021 5:51 am

    I feel that, but I don't feel as bad bc...

    I read a spoiler that apparently the OGFL used magic or something to make him forget his childhood friend and "love" her instead or something

    Yunomi June 29, 2021 5:21 pm
    I feel that, but I don't feel as bad bc...I read a spoiler that apparently the OGFL used magic or something to make him forget his childhood friend and "love" her instead or something Just Some Bunny Eating Flowers

    really? but where i read the spoilers everyone said the ogfl was nice but in either way i dont think luka is gonna fall for her....and magic or not he og laura confessed to him before he left ryt? he still could have rejected her properly but he said thank u in dat case i hate both him and his girlfrnd....i wish laura will take all the credit from him by being the actual hero who saves other with her alchemy and just happy....she doesnt need to be with any of the trashy mls

    Just Some Bunny Eating Flowers June 29, 2021 5:50 pm
    really? but where i read the spoilers everyone said the ogfl was nice but in either way i dont think luka is gonna fall for her....and magic or not he og laura confessed to him before he left ryt? he still coul... Yunomi

    True, honestly I've been having trouble getting clear spoilers for this manga. In the end, all that matters is that Laura is happy and living her best life, ML or not.