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Oki doki

Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN) June 28, 2021 10:34 pm

So this is a fictional story and we all know the details which make it acceptable. (forced marriage, him not going after her at 16, him trying to set her up with someone her age and them only getting together after quiet a lot of time has passed - her height increase by a lot so I would assume that it's been 2 years at least, refer to the new dresses scene)

However, irl consider any person who tries to date you (if you're younger) to be creepy. Those people only go after young ppl cuz they are either creeps or so childish that no person their age will put up with their crap.

And for the love of God, don't go for big age gaps untill you're a bit older. If you're freshly 18 and inexperienced don't go for a 10 year age gap. I recommend not doing that untill you're at least 25.

I know that you will do as you please and that I can't stop you but please consider my suggestions as doing otherwise may end very badly for you.
