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eyo taku u dead yet those cleaned chps still aint here?

—shyne June 28, 2021 11:38 pm

eyo taku u dead yet those cleaned chps still aint here?

    Takkunたく June 28, 2021 11:55 pm

    Yeah I’m dead I’m having really bad family problems rn thats why I’ve been offline for weeks, and they also took away the battery of my device so now I can’t open it I’m using an old phone that doesn’t have enough space for both discord and ibis its basically a brick if not for google

    ✨irrelevant✨ July 2, 2021 1:18 pm
    Yeah I’m dead I’m having really bad family problems rn thats why I’ve been offline for weeks, and they also took away the battery of my device so now I can’t open it I’m using an old phone that doesn�... Takkunたく

    hi :) i hope youre doing ok, idrk how to comfort someone but rip.

    Takkunたく July 5, 2021 9:04 am
    hi :) i hope youre doing ok, idrk how to comfort someone but rip. ✨irrelevant✨

    Thanks, also its ok lol

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