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naive people

seascapes June 29, 2021 1:10 am

i can't believe some people in the comment section be like jUST tAlK it OuT like simple communication is going to work. this is clearly deep psychogical trauma that won't be resolved by simply talking and abandonment issues, in particular, are time-sensitive (it takes time to prove you aren't going to abandon the person as well). to the ones suggesting actual therapy, kudos to ya. he needs proper professional help

    Mer June 29, 2021 1:18 am

    Yeah these guys can't just talk it out, this is some deep rooted stuff that needs to be nicked at the very root of the issues. Should they support one another throughout healing? Sure! But it's a serious issue that I hope is not fixed with the "everpowerful love". Can love be powerful? Hell yeah, but it ain't a magical thing that suddenly heals everything