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Sad it ended but had to happen.

Sumire 心 August 19, 2016 1:54 pm

I'm sure everyone will hate my opinion but after 15 years of Bleach Tite Kubo deserves much more support than he's getting in these comments. I have read all the chapters and watched every episode and yes there were some disappointing super long fillers but i'm guessing every last bleach fan powered through them just to see what happened next.

I honestly don't hate the ending because as you see in the last chapter. Their happiness could have been destroyed during that one fight. Their life could have been destroyed and what you see is the future flashing before Yhwach's eyes and he realizes that he fails. When the future didn't change you see Rukia/Renji's kid and you see Orihime/Ichigo's kid. Yes i'm happy for them. I mean who wouldn't be happy that it had a happy ending after 15 years. Not gonna lie. I am actually happy with the pairings because thats how I always saw it.

A question though: O.O Did Kazui just kill Yhwach? Was Yhwach just trying to inhabit Kazui while all the fucking adults sat down stairs all happy go lucky? Will we get a new manga? What happened to Grimmjow (Kind of all I care about.)?

PS. Most of the time when there is such a great manga which has lasted for this long, romance isn't the top priority which is why the mangaka tends to skip it for the most part.

    ring August 19, 2016 2:43 pm

    yah what happened to grimmjow he didnt die right?

    Sumire 心 August 19, 2016 3:29 pm

    That is what I want to know. That whole scene was skipped over.