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Am I the only one that thought the guy who kissed Kotaro was sweet??? i thought the guy li...

(^w^)/) Hi! January 5, 2013 7:22 pm

Am I the only one that thought the guy who kissed Kotaro was sweet??? i thought the guy liked Kotaro that when he saw him cry, he couldn't handle Kotaro's cuteness and then kissed him. I thought it was cute when the guy likes Kotaro and was comforting him. (* w *)/) I'm not a person who base people on their looks. But this is my opinion. I kinda feel like this is like Elektel Delusion again. Kotaro like Shunpei. And the people don't consider his feelings very much.

    Anonymous January 6, 2013 9:37 am

    i know, right? what's wrong if that guy likes koutaro? he is so considerate to him. they shouldnt be that harsh to him... poor him

    Munuu January 6, 2013 9:36 am

    I totally agree I thought he just thought kotaru was cute and tried to comfort him. I hope to see more.