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Manganatic June 29, 2021 3:05 pm

what is your opinion about Yor thinking of quitting her assassin job?
if she quit her job then, he could take care of Anya more and be more diligent as a wife and be away from possible danger but the story will kinda decrease in the action type. but if she continues her job the opposite will happen on the list above.
click' like if you are "team not quit" or disliked for "team quit". ┑( ̄~  ̄)┍

    SenriAmalia June 29, 2021 3:54 pm

    I'd say team quit, just because Yor had expressed that she halted her personal life just to do her assassin job to provide for her brother, I want her to experience a normal life where she can do girl talk, hangout with her friends, and find someone she loves *cough* Lloyd *cough*, also living in secrecy is so damn hard, if she stops, she can finally have that burden lifted from her. And as much as I love badass Yor, I want her to be happy by her own choice.

    Neelia June 29, 2021 4:06 pm

    I dont think the action will decrease. Maybe it will increase even more if she quits. I mean in all my action movies that I seen, when an assassin or spy wants to quit, they are targeted because they know too much. There is also
    The family members of the people she killed, maybe if they find out that she is no longer in the business they will target her more since there is no big agency backing her up anymore. Is to the question..... maybe quit her job and join the spy section. I do want to see the family being in one team xD it does not matter if they decide to be team normal or team spy or special forces.

    Manganatic June 30, 2021 5:37 am

    everyone has their own kinds of opinions and from what I see on our little survey, so far there are more likes on the "team not quit" with 24 votes and for "team quit" with 2 votes. so we can clearly see that many readers want Yor to not quit being an assassin and that's fine. Also, senri-chan and neelia-chan your opinions and idea is correct and very helpful, now I can say that even if Yor quits or not she will never be a lesser character because she is the mother of this story. (●'◡'●)ノ