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U don’t have to agree but don’t argue cuz it gets annoying and it’s just my opinion ...

Skdoq June 29, 2021 5:52 pm

U don’t have to agree but don’t argue cuz it gets annoying and it’s just my opinion not anyone else’s… SHFKDJF WHY IS LOUIS IGNORING THE REST OF THE WHOLE CONVO HE HAD W THE PRINCE… the prince said he’s glad it’s not his baby cuz if it was and Louis was trying to abort then he would be angry af… but of course louis cuts the rest out and is like “oh he doesn’t want me to have his baby well it’s not his” like WTFFF… also the prince makes it super obvious that he likes Louis but Louis just never gets it… and also Louis always makes it seem as if he’s forced to be w the prince which is why the prince doubts Louis so much… also Louis recognized the prince while he was drunk so that’s why the prince thought Louis just purposely didn’t contact him… like damnnn also I’m not saying the prince doesn’t play a part in the misunderstanding but if Louis just told the prince that he doesn’t know who the dad is and that it’s from the one night stand where he was drunk then everything would’ve been solved but noooo he had to lie and create even more misunderstandings knowing that the prince is possessive af… and now he cuts off the rest of the convo he had w the prince which is just creating even more misunderstandings
