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Like I understand Naruse not wanting to talk about someone else's problem so that's why he...

TsukiHeKaiwa June 30, 2021 6:39 am

Like I understand Naruse not wanting to talk about someone else's problem so that's why he kept it a secret but he should have said something that didn't hurt Yuki. He KNOWS that Yuki has a severe case of overthinking things so I think if he had just told her he went to go and be there for a friend who was in trouble would have at least ease her mind a bit.

As for Yuki, gurl why did you have to lead Hakamada on? Though I can understand wanting to just have a friend by your side while you're depressed. I know people are mad about this but Yuki probably just needed a friend. She was depressed and also, Hakamada was the one who somewhat forced it on her too so he's not off the hook either. At the very least they finally ended that one sided love so hopefully our boy will find someone new.

I agree that Naruse and Yuki should break up but only because I want them to have some time away from each other and focus on themselves first. Its not healthy if they are unable to communicate with one another. They both need to work on it.

    otakuness June 30, 2021 5:28 pm

    I don't think Yuki led him on. She's clearly taken. He's just persistent

    TsukiHeKaiwa June 30, 2021 5:47 pm
    I don't think Yuki led him on. She's clearly taken. He's just persistent otakuness

    What I mean by lead him on is that she doesn't give him a clean rejection. It's true he's persistent so I'll give you that but she's never truly rejected him so this chapter to me was good in that sense. I do feel bad for him and hope he falls for someone else though.

    ASBrito01 July 1, 2021 6:24 pm

    At this point I'm kinda fed up with the main relationship, I just wanna see Hakamada finally get someone who loves him too and doesn't lead him on, but I don't want just 1 or 3 chapters of that, in my opinion it could be a whole spin-off or something (▰˘◡˘▰)