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Why people are so chill about the constant sexual harassment through out the manga? I don'...

Min's Cat June 30, 2021 6:58 pm

Why people are so chill about the constant sexual harassment through out the manga? I don't understand why seme is so pushy about everything, like if you like someone it doesn't give you any rights to sexually harass them. At first time I understand it was plot but really constantly? Through out the whole manga? Seriously?

And foreigners don't go around kissing people when they meet someone first time. I'm sick & tired of this overused plot of sexual harassment turning into feelings. If you normalize characters harassing someone accidentally or intentionally then, please normalize characters apologizing for their mistakes in manga/stories too and normalize starting a story without sexual harassment. Because even though it is fictional, you don't know how big impact of even fictional stories/characters can have in someone else's life.

And if you think I'm overreacting, then PLEASE, we live in different world then, where I actually choose to see the problems & where you who choose to ignore them.

    HISOKA_IS_MINE July 2, 2021 5:20 pm

    I agree with u because imagine someone literally comes up to u and just forcefully kisses u

    Min's Cat July 2, 2021 6:16 pm
    I agree with u because imagine someone literally comes up to u and just forcefully kisses u HISOKA_IS_MINE
