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kur4mon July 1, 2021 2:05 am

Some hours ago I find this yaoi webtoon in the homepage, started to read and it was really good, but i read in the anonymous on my sister cellphone AND I DON'T REMEMBER THE TITLE

The plot is like this. A/b/o universe. 7 years ago the main character was in the senior year of high school. He is a beta, poor, alone and bullyed, but one guy, the class president, helped him out. The Class press is alfa, rich, handsome, super hardworking and smart. They end up becaming friends and later lovers. I just remember this

I know the alfa was studying to become a doctor and he did, so the webtoon cover its him dress up as one. The alfa has black hair and the beta soft red kinda pink hair. Please help mee
