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The biggest offense is that the writing is so BLOODY SMALL…like I have to keep zooming i...

Xiao’er July 1, 2021 2:56 am

The biggest offense is that the writing is so BLOODY SMALL…like I have to keep zooming in on some pages to read what they’re saying. That said…

I’m just grateful this wasn’t lost. OOC or no, realistic or no, this was definitely a solid product of its time. Twenty years and it can still be found, even if the scanlation group that posted it no longer can be. That can’t be said for a lot of old doujins, and it’s a shame. It’s also a shame more people can’t appreciate this for what it is. A doujin doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to make the creator and audience happy. Sigh. Anyways.
