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If this ends in anything either than the MC dying imma be so pissed. I know it sounds fuck...

milkTEA July 1, 2021 11:50 am

If this ends in anything either than the MC dying imma be so pissed. I know it sounds fucked, but come on he already sold everything in the deal he made with the grim reaper. FOR WHAT? To be allowed to magically survive in the end? I truly hope they don’t do some bullshit ending like that, it’ll be anticlimactic as fuck if they do.

    OMG.I.CANT.RN July 9, 2021 2:45 am

    Im glad I wasnt the only one who thought like that. Like it wouldnt make any sense if he stays alive at the end. He literally sold his soul kinda and knows he gonna die after one year.

    milkTEA July 10, 2021 1:04 am

    Exactly. I don’t want a shitty redemption arc just so it ends with a happy ending? Give me what I came for and that’s a man who sold himself to death to find his mother one last time tf.